
How to Start Your Fat Loss Journey

 On your wellness journey, find what works best for you.

 When You're A Depleted Post Natal Mom

Your weight loss success may feel like it is unattainable.

Today, I am sharing my 5 steps to starting a fat-loss diet during postpartum. During my pregnancy, I gained 40 lbs. I went from 165 lbs to now weighing 201 lbs. Then the pandemic happened and during that time, I gained an additional 13 lbs. I had never been that weight before. I am experiencing a different kind of struggle. Say hello to hormonal imbalances and approaching 40. These is another major issue that come with motherhood, that we sometimes overlook, is postnatal depletion.

What is Postnatal Depletion?

Postnatal depletion is the group of symptoms that affects all areas of a mother's life after she gives birth. These include hormonal changes, sleep interruption, physiological (body) issues/pain, psychological/mental wellbeing. When there are too many stressors on the body and little time to recover, your levels get depleted. Many people, the postnatal period is up to 3-5 years after giving birth, however, this depletion can last for years, even decades later. 

My Fat Loss Journey

It has been 4 years and I am still struggling with sleep. In the past two years my back pain has intensified  and did some joint pain, which feels much better when I started implementing magnesium rich foods and a magnesium supplement.

For the past few years, my main focus was maintaining my mental wellbeing and creating habits that I can stick to. Daily walks and drinking green juices slowly became my wellness rituals. 

Now, that we're in 2023, I am now ready for lose this weight. 


Whether you are early or late postpartum, any mom can benefit from this plan.

Step 1: Create a calorie deficit plan.

I'm sure that you've seen or heard about a calorie deficit diet. Or calories consumed minus calories burned equals weight loss or gain. While this can set you up for the fat loss. I want you to also know that there is more to losing weight/fat than counting calories. "I don't eat anything all day. I fast. I work out. But I'm still gaining weight. Especially when I am off the diet for 1 or 2 weeks. Sounds, familiar?  

Step 2: Eat protein with every meal

Every cell in the body needs protein. Protein is also needed to make new cells and build tissues and muscles. As we age, we lose muscle mass. Therefore, it is important to help us build muscle mass and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Need a tasty protein powder these two, Plant-based protein  or  Another tasty one!  

Step 3: Exercise 3 - 4 times weekly

I know, you've likely heard to exercise at least 3 - 4 times per week. But what kind of exercise should you do to feel your best strong self? During your postnatal recovery stage, especially if you feel like you have no energy, doing the wrong exercise, too early and too intense can make your feel worse. If you are are depleted mama, exercises such as brisk walking, cycling, yoga, low-impact aerobic workout, light weight training, pilates, and swimming are highly recommended. These will improve your circulation, cardiovascular health, improve your mood, and strengthen your joint range motion. 

Step 4: Increase vegetables and fruits

There are many benefits to increasing your fruits and vegetables intake, however it is extremely important when you are working on restoring your body.  Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and don't forget stress and sleep deprivation leaves you depleted. Your very first step to feeling your best, is to rebuild your micronutrients. If you skip this step, it becomes much harder to improve your hormonal levels. Supplementation is okay, but it is also important to eat foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals. The goal is to create a strong foundation with food, so that the body can heal itself. If you need a meal plan to combine the 10 top nutrients, click here.

Step 5: Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night

Why is sleep an important part to fat loss? Sleep deprivation impacts how the body greatly. You cannot breakdown your food properly, your cortisol production-stress hormone, is a wreck. And you feel like a zombie, instead of feeling restored. That impact your mood and how you feel about yourself or life. If sleep is a big issue for, I would suggest having a sleep routine, drink herbal teas like lavender, passionflower, and eat a protein filled meal at least two hours before bed. 

Wishing you well on your journey. 

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  1. Great tips. We should also drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water on a daily basis to help with weight loss if not contraindicated.
