
3 Positive Changes I Made for My Health and Wellness and Here’s What Happened


I ended 2022 on a high note. I began seriously make a series of changes to my health.  In September I joined a 4 Week Fat Loss Challenge with Dreambody Coach, BrandonI needed accountability from another professional.

I have been on a wellness journey for a long while. It started with me trying to figure out the best way to end my eczema flare-ups and have regular healthy and pain-free menstrual cycles. I can declare confidently, my eczema cleared up and my cycle has been regular since my late 20s. I'm 39 today!

However, motherhood comes with a whole lot of ish. Postpartum depression, and sleepless nights, contribute to hormonal imbalances and weight gain. As a clinical nutritionist and health coach, I have many tools in my tools box. So, you would think it would be easy. Some days I am so tired and lack motivation. But with every day, there's room for improvement.

So, I started to change my habits, Instead of not exercising, I started doing 15 minutes of resistance training and 10 minutes of cardio. And with every day, I increased the time by 5 minutes. Now, I am active 4-6 days per week.

My eating habits were not so great either. I now make it my intention to drink 1 green juice and 2 salads every day. As increasing vegetables help to naturally detox estrogen from the body.

Working on my sleep habits has been a major wellness breakthrough. Intentionally being active during the day, has drastically improved my sleep!


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