


Are you struggling to detox your body?

               I know the exact feelings! 

If you want to clear your skin condition such as eczema or dermatitis, and balance your hormones, it is essential that you start with cleansing the blood, liver, and digestive tract.

The skin gets nutrients from the blood. If you're struggling with healing your skin, you may be lacking essential minerals and nutrients to aid/speed up the healing process and fight the infection. To replenish the cells and you must clean your bloodstream. It is essential to Parasites in the body can also cause eczema problems. 

Ointments and creams may ease the rash topically, but the effects are not long-term since they don't address the root cause of the issue. According to herbalists, any kind of skin disorder is the body’s way to remove impurities from the blood. Hence, it is important to support detoxification and purify the blood. 

One method that has helped me to keep my skin improving is having a daily dose of is by using herbs.

Herbs like Rosehips and Hibiscus may help.

  1. Rose Hips: Helps regenerate skin cells. Rose hips are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that help boost the immune system. It is a mild diuretic. It is used to improve kidney disorders and mild constipation. It can be used topically to help regenerate new skin cells. As a toner, it helps rehydrate the skin locking in moisture. It's high in vitamin A, which is referred to as the "skin vitamin".

  1. Hibiscus: This tart mildly sweet herb helps to clear heat out of the body to heal and cool the skin. It helps to detoxify the blood and also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. It is very effective as a natural treatment for skin conditions such as dandruff and eczema. Hibiscus leaves are packed with antioxidants and high in vitamin C.

      Blood purifiers

  1. Burdock Root: One of the most important herbs for treating chronic problems such as eczema and dermatitis. It helps remove toxins and inflammation from the body. It is the foremost used cleansing herb, providing nourishment for the blood, liver, and immune system. It is rich in minerals and vitamins needed to replenish the blood.

  1. Dandelion: The roots, leaves, and flowers have been useful to treat liver disease, skin ailments, and to reduce inflammation. It is the powerhouse of minerals and vitamins, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin A and C. Studies have shown that the herb helps our digestive tract by maintaining efficient bile flow since the main purpose of the liver is to produce bile that helps that body breakdown fatty acids and filter the and detoxify the blood. It helps with mineral absorption.  

  1. Yellow Dock Root: It is a mineral-rich herb! It purifies the blood.  It stimulates liver function, and bowel activity (not like senna pods or cascara degraders). What I like about this herb is that it clears up a stagnant liver and bowel movement without tasking the liver. Yellow dock helps to improve digestion and treat heartburn by neutralizing stomach acid. Studies have shown, it is rich in antioxidants, reducing harmful inflammation and the development of diseases.

  1. Wild Strawberry Leaves: This is used to treat boils, weeping eczema, and gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, upset stomach, cramps, and diarrhea. Wild Strawberry leaves are packed with vitamin K, vitamin B5, B6, manganese and magnesium, copper, riboflavin, and omega-3 fatty acids to boost the body's natural immunity.

I am personally using these herbs and continue to get the benefit of clear healthy skin. 

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