
Chronic Inflammation: The Cause for Period Problems

 We are born with the innate ability to fight off foreign invaders, infections. Chronic Inflammation is one of the major factors in all types of period problems.

What is inflammation?

  Inflammation is a series of events that occurs when you sprain your ankle or have an infection. The normal, familiar signs of inflammation are redness, pain, swelling, fever. These are the first signs our immune system is in combat mode.  Note, the natural acute inflammatory response is the body's way to initiate healing. The last sign is lost of function, this stage leads to chronic inflammation. Chronic activation of the inflammatory response takes a heavy toll on the body. It is the root cause of all diseases.

How does inflammation impact your health and menstrual cycle?  

For conception to occur the female immune system must provide a conducive environment for the sperm and egg. Chronic inflammation can impair sperm motility and make the uterine environment more unfit to implantation.  The reproductive tract uses inflammatory signals such as cytokines to coordinate ovulation and implantation.  Chronic inflammation can lead to no ovulation and low conception. Premenstrual symptoms are due to elevated levels of inflammation. This is seen by testing for levels of high sensitive-C reactive protein (hs-CRP). Elevated levels also are associated with heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, migraines, high cholesterol, arthritis. 

Food that can contribute to chronic inflammation

Foods that lead to chronic inflammation are frequent use of alcohol, dairy products, wheat, gluten, vegetable oil, sugar, and proceeded foods. Reducing inflammation is a vital step toward having the body eliminate period problems and insulin resistance.

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